the Journal
Editorial Board
Subscription Instructions
for Authors
Vol. 28, Special Issue (2009)
1 |
2-4 |
Richard Burian (1871-1954), founder of the Institute of Medical
Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade. (Editorial)
DM |
5-8 |
and magnesium suppress nickel-induced bursting activity in leech
Retzius nerve cells.  |
Pathak D,
Lopicic S, Stanojevic M, Nedeljkov A, Pavlovic D,
Cemerikic D, Nedeljkov V |
9-17 |
as a potential target of acute neurotoxic effects of lindane in
rats.  |
Vučević D,
Petronijević N, Radonjić N, Rašić-Marković A,
Mladenović D, Radosavljević T, Hrnčić D,
Djurić D, Sušić V, Djuro M, Stanojlović O |
18-24 |
dose of ethanol decreases total spectral power density in seizures
induced by D,L-homocysteine thiolactone in adult rats.  |
Rašić-Marković A,
Djuric D, Hrnčić D, Lončar-Stevanović H,
Vučević D, Mladenović D, Brkić P,
Djuro M, Stanojević I, Stanoljović O |
25-32 |
and fractal analysis of rat brain activity in seizures evoked by
camphor essential oil and 1,8-cineole.  |
Culić M,
Keković G, Grbić G, Martać L, Soković M,
Podgorac J, Sekulić S |
33-40 |
of continuous exposure to alternating magnetic field (50 Hz, 0.5 mT)
on serotonin and dopamine receptors activity in rat brain.  |
Janać B,
Tovilović G, Tomić M, Prolić Z,
Radenović L |
41-46 |
effect of ascorbate supplementation on the activity of antioxidative
enzymes in the rat hypothalamus and adrenals.  |
Djurasevic S,
Cvijic G, Djordjevic J, Djordjevic I, Jasnic N,
Vujovic P |
47-52 |
effect of acute or/and chronic stress on the MnSOD protein
expression in rat prefrontal cortex and hippocampus.  |
Filipović D,
Zlatković J, Pajović SB |
53-61 |
changes in ectonucleotidase activity after cortical stab injury in
rat.  |
Bjelobaba I,
Stojiljkovic M, Lavrnja I, Stojkov D, Pekovic S,
Dacic S, Laketa D, Rakic L, Nedeljkovic N |
62-68 |
Ribavirin administration
alters ectonucleotidase activities in experimental autoimmune
encephalomyelitis.  |
Lavrnja I,
Nedeljkovic N, Bjelobaba I, Stojkov D, Dacic S,
Pekovic S, Rakic L, Mostarica-Stojkovic M,
Stosic-Grujicic S, Stojiljkovic M |
69-76 |
new experimental model for behavioral investigations in animal
studies.  |
Obradovic Z,
Pantovic S, Rosic G, Selakovic Z, Rosic M |
77-86 |
response of blood vessel in acute renal failure.  |
Pantovic S,
Rosic G, Obradovic Z, Rankovic G, Stojiljkovic N,
Rosic M |
87-92 |
Effects of hydroperoxides on
contractile reactivity and free radical production of porcine brain
arteries.  |
Stevanovic D,
Zhang D, Blumenstein A, Djuric D, Heinle H |
93-97 |
Human platelets perfusion
through isolated guinea-pig heart: the effects on coronary flow and
oxidative stress markers.  |
Novokmet S,
Jakovljevic VL, Jankovic S, Davidovic G, Andjelkovic N,
Milanovic Z, Djuric DM |
98-104 |
Comparative effects of
L-arginine and vitamin C pretreatment in SHR with induced
postischemic acute renal failure.  |
Miloradović Z,
Mihailović-Stanojević N, Grujić-Milanović J,
Ivanov M, Kuburović G, Marković-Lipkovski J,
Jovović D |
105-111 |
Effects of angiotensin II
type-1 receptor blocker losartan on age-related cardiovascular risk
in spontaneously hypertensive rats.  |
Mihailović-Stanojević N,
Miloradović Z, Grujić-Milanović J, Ivanov M,
Jovović D |
112-118 |
Effect of simvastatin on
proinflammatory cytokines production during
lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in rats.  |
Nežić L,
Skrbić R, Dobrić S, Stojiljković MP,
Satara SS, Milovanović ZA, Stojaković N |
119-126 |
Early detection of myocardial
viability by hyperbaric oxygenation in patients with acute
myocardial infarction treated with thrombolysis.  |
Dekleva M,
Ostojic M, Neskovic A, Mazic S, Vlahovic A,
Suzic Lazic J, Dekleva N |
127-134 |
Attenuation of cold restraint
stress-induced gastric lesions by an olive leaf extract.  |
Dekanski D,
Janićijević-Hudomal S, Ristić S, Radonjić NV,
Petronijević ND, Piperski V, Mitrović DM |
135-142 |
Effects of protamine sulphate
on spontaneous and calcium-induced contractile activity in the rat
uterus are potassium channels-mediated.  |
Oreščanin-Dušić Z,
Milovanović S, Radojičić R, Nikolić-Kokić A,
Appiah I, Slavić M, Cutura N, Trbojević S,
Spasić M, Blagojević D |
143-148 |
Diltiazem prevention of toxic
effects of monosodium glutamate on ovaries in rats.  |
Bojanić V,
Bojanić Z, Najman S, Savić T, Jakovljević V,
Najman S, Jančić S |
149-154 |
Neonatal influence of
monosodium glutamate on the somatometric parameters of rats.  |
Cirić M,
Najman S, Bojanić V, Cekić S, Nešić M,
Puškaš N |
155-161 |
Precancerous morphologic and
functional aberrations in the rat mammary glands carcinogenesis.  |
Joksimović I,
Bojanić V, Janćić S, Bojanić Z,
Zivanov-Čurlis J, Perić S, Janćić S |
162-167 |
The irritative property of
alpha-tricalcium phosphate to the rabbit skin.  |
Kojic Z,
Stojanovic D, Popadic S, Jokanovic M, Janackovic D |
168-173 |
Calcium blocking activity as a
mechanism of the spasmolytic effect of the essential oil of Calamintha
glandulosa Silic on the isolated rat ileum.  |
Brankovic SV,
Kitic DV, Radenkovic MM, Veljkovic SM, Golubovic TD |
174-178 |
Adipose tissue-derived nerve
growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor: results from
experimental stress and diabetes.  |
Sornelli F,
Fiore M, Chaldakov GN, Aloe L |
179-183 |
Insulin resistance and chronic
inflammation are associated with muscle wasting in end-stage renal
disease patients on hemodialysis.  |
Rašić-Milutinović Z,
Peruničić-Peković G, Ristić-Medić D,
Popović T, Glibetić M, Djurić DM |
184-189 |
Serum and erythrocyte membrane
phospholipids fatty acid composition in hyperlipidemia: effects of
dietary intervention and combined diet and fibrate therapy.  |
Ristic-Medic D,
Suzic S, Vucic V, Takic M, Tepsic J, Glibetic M |
190-199 |
Overweight in trained subjects
- are we looking at wrong numbers? (Body mass index compared with
body fat percentage in estimating overweight in athletes.).  |
Mazic S,
Djelic M, Suzic J, Suzic S, Dekleva M,
Radovanovic D, Scepanovic L, Starcevic V |
200-204 |
Oxidative stress biomarker
response to concurrent strength and endurance training.  |
Radovanovic D,
Bratic M, Nurkic M, Cvetkovic T, Ignjatovic A,
Aleksandrovic M |
205-211 |
Live monitoring of brain
damage in the rat model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  |
Bataveljić D,
Djogo N, Zupunski L, Bajić A, Nicaise C,
Pochet R, Bačić G, Andjus PR |
212-218 |
Cranial irradiation modulates
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and corticosteroid
receptor expression in the hippocampus of juvenile rat.  |
Velickovic N,
Djordjevic A, Drakulic D, Stanojevic I, Secerov B,
Horvat A |
219-227 |
The efficacy of two protocols
for inducing motor cortex plasticity in healthy humans - TMS study.  |
Ilić NV,
Sajić J, Mišković M, Krstić J,
Milanović S, Vesović-Potić V, Ljubisavljević M,
Ilić TV |
228-234 |
The effect of inhibition of
nitric oxide synthase on aluminium-induced toxicity in the rat
brain.  |
Stevanović ID,
Jovanović MD, Jelenković A, Ninković M,
Dukić M, Stojanović I, Colić M |
235-242 |
Nitric oxide synthase
inhibitors partially inhibit oxidative stress development in the rat
brain during sepsis provoked by cecal ligation and puncture.  |
Ninković MB,
Maličević ZM, Jelenković A, Dukić MM,
Jovanović MD, Stevanović ID |
243-250 |
Autonomic dysfunction in
alcoholic cirrhosis and its relation to sudden cardiac death risk
predictors.  |
Milovanovic B,
Milinic N, Trifunovic D, Krotin M, Filipovic B,
Bisenic V, Djuric D |
251-261 |
Preconditioning with
glucose-insulin-potassium solution and restoration of myocardial
function during coronary surgery.  |
Jovic M,
Gradinac S, Lausevic-Vuk L, Nezic D, Stevanovic P,
Milojevic P, Djukanovic B |
262-270 |
Predictive value of serum
bicarbonate, arterial base deficit/excess and SAPS III score in
critically ill patients.  |
Surbatovic M,
Radakovic S, Jevtic M, Filipovic N, Romic P,
Popovic N, Jevdjic J, Grujic K, Djordjevic D |
271-276 |
Screening of vascular
calcifications in patients with end-stage renal diseases.  |
Damjanovic T,
Djuric Z, Markovic N, Dimkovic S, Radojicic Z,
Dimkovic N |
277-283 |
The righting reflex from a
supine to a prone position in the guinea pig fetus.  |
Sekulić S,
Lukač D, Drabšin M, Suknjaja V, Keković G,
Grbić G, Martać L |
284-288 |